Once a course is accepted, you can start registering students in the LifeShield portal.
Select the Training tab on the left side, then select Your Upcoming Courses tab on the top of the training menu.
From the Course Details page, find the course you want to register students under and click on the red link to Register Student.
Fill in the student’s basic information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Optional Employee ID field
- Email Address
- Student’s Home Store/ Location
[Note: The first and last name used here will be printed on the student’s CPR card. Please ensure spelling is correct and nicknames are not used.]
The course details page will be updated to show the student you added, and the student will appear in the course roster.
If an email was provided for the student, the student will immediately receive an email notifying them that they were registered into the course. That email contains details on the course, such as address, date, and time of the course.
The student will automatically receive reminder emails 30 days and 7 days prior to the course.
If a student needs to be removed from a course for any reason, a link to the right of their name allows you to do so.